University of Scouting

University of Scouting

The University of Scouting is a fun-filled, hands-on training event and an opportunity to network with other Scouters. This one-day training event is designed for ALL Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Sea Scout, and Venturing Leaders. In addition, we have training opportunities for Venturing youth, Sea Scouts, and Scouts BSA 14 years and older in the Venturing College and the Sea Scout College.

Participants register for the event and can attend any courses in any of the colleges that appeal to them. Be sure to look at all the colleges for all the opportunities and topics of interest to you.

The University of Scouting courses are designed to help YOU improve your skills and increase your knowledge about Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Commissioner Service and related subjects. Learn how Scouting works through interactive training, discussions, and true to life examples of how to make the program a positive life experience for today’s youth. The course selection is varied so that regardless of role in Scouting, you will be entertained and gain something to take back and implement in your unit.

Our next University of Scouting will be held November 2, 2024.  The location will be in Holly Springs, NC. 

Registration will open September 1, 2024.