Leave No Trace Trainer
This is an informative, practical, and fun 16-hour, overnight course on the ethics and practice of
minimum-impact recreation. This course is designed to train Scouts BSA (age 14 and older), Venturers,
Sea Scouts, summer camp staff, crews attending treks/sessions at any of the BSA High Adventure
Bases, advanced training course instructors (Wood Badge, Powder Horn, NYLT, etc.) and Adult Scout
leaders in all program areas to serve as Leave No Trace Trainers for Scouting and the general public.
Each Trainer course is taught by a team of nationally recognized Leave No Trace Master Educators, so
your Trainer standing is recognized nationally by BSA’s partner agency, the Leave No Trace Center for
Outdoor Ethics.
Leave No Trace Trainer Flyer: LNT Trainer flyer