BSA National Statement on COVID-19
Revised August 2021
The safety of our Scouts, volunteers, employees and communities continues to be our top priority. We must continue our vigilance to assure that youth and their families are safe while they enjoy the many benefits of Scouting.
We continue to follow the guidance from expert agencies and follow the measures that have become second nature to many – hand hygiene, masks, distancing, meeting in cohorts and remaining at home if you have symptoms or feel bad.
We encourage everyone to consult with their physician and get vaccinated. It is our best hope for returning to normalcy in our Scouting family.
The critical need of today is for all to understand the rationale for our caution and actions. Because of the pandemic, fewer youth have joined our Movement. To welcome new members and their families, we must demonstrate that we are safe and are concerned with the health of all. The success of the Scouting program depends on conducting regular meetings and activities in a safe and responsible way.
As always, please be mindful of the Scout Oath and Law as we continue to navigate a safe return to the activities we enjoy.
As part of the mandatory policies and procedures for using any of our camp properties, please view the documents below: